Playing around with Photoshop

My Life and other random Comments! Chronologically down to up?
Just had a learning and interesting conversation about "church culture" over at Stephens weblog, funny thing is I think probably we both agreed from the start had we been speaking face to face but on the journey to discovering that we had some interesting points. Check it out @ Doggies Breakfast
Heres some cool tool I just discovered, its a great idea but a bit complex to set up, well maybe I just dont have the attention span. But another interesting fact it to see the spread of international websites, Though the places with the most websites weren't really a surprise to me
A massive geographically based search engine type thing, basically see what websites are based in your area, or other for that matter!
We basically looked at how we can be like Jesus today which started with looking at contemporary pastoral methodology in contrast to Jesus' example methodology, this then led into a discussion about our perception of God in Anthropromorhic terms eg. seeing him as too much like us and not with the understanding that he has an "otherness". Also we looked at what it means to be "imitators of Christ", how literally we take that, and then we concluded with Stantons thoughts (which were extremly interesting to me, and which I have been thinking of since) about Churches and having mission statements and this being a sign that we view church as very much an end to a means whereas in reality church may actually be the end, and this ties into the platonic/greek thought thing brought up in renogotiating the church contract: The Life and Death of the 21st Century Church - James Thwaites, which Im now hopefully basing my Popular Spirituality in Contemporary Western Culture Coursework on (which constitues 50% of my grade) I am batting a couple of ideas round for my research title/focus, so vote now!..through the comments system that is
Also I was thinking about nature, I dont think Ill blog about it more than the next thought so I wont promise to, but I took this photo this weekend, not anything particularly great about it, but you dont realy get these types of views in cornwall, it too hilly, but there was something barren, and very North East about it, I love the way the pylons go straight into the distance, the environment there is how I feel at home, in s a strange way I think we get outside of our houses, out of the cities and we go home, to nature, to emptiness, I was reading a book for a paper I have to write this week, it a philosophy book and it quoted this: "...the religion that languishes in crowded cities or steals shame faced to hide itself in dim churches flourishes greatly, fillinf the soul with a solemn joy. Face to face with nature on a vast hill at eventide, who does not feel himself near to the unseen." A solemn joy, a knowledge which bring contentment, its a facet of what I was talking about in "Peace that Passes all Understanding". Anyway other than that, Im back to city living for 2 weeks now, as next weekend it seems like im going down to Dunfermline for a Fusion Weekend, which should be pretty cool, some good people speaking and some good friends going! So Im off now for a well over due shower and then working hard in the library.
This a photo of (from left) me, John and Mikaela, John and I had an awesome time with Mikaela, Meegan and Amy over the summer, and it was great to pop down to St Andrews to see Mikaela the other day, have some coffee and chill (if only for 40mins).
I said when I got them Id post them for all to see! -> Here they are (UPDATED->)49 Gmail invites, Just mail me @ with the subject "invite me to gmail so bad right now" and Ill send one straight over.