Thursday, March 10, 2005


After Football yesterday I went to SOUL for our soul@soul/emergent discipleship/unnamed meeting thing, Andy couldnt make it due to some emergency that I havent heard from him since!...but Stanton, the UCCF worker for Aberdeen came and lent his knowledge, with Claire and Ross endearing the conversation with their thoughts. Check it out Stanton enjoyed it so much especially because of his out of body experience exclusivly captured below!..hehe

We basically looked at how we can be like Jesus today which started with looking at contemporary pastoral methodology in contrast to Jesus' example methodology, this then led into a discussion about our perception of God in Anthropromorhic terms eg. seeing him as too much like us and not with the understanding that he has an "otherness". Also we looked at what it means to be "imitators of Christ", how literally we take that, and then we concluded with Stantons thoughts (which were extremly interesting to me, and which I have been thinking of since) about Churches and having mission statements and this being a sign that we view church as very much an end to a means whereas in reality church may actually be the end, and this ties into the platonic/greek thought thing brought up in renogotiating the church contract: The Life and Death of the 21st Century Church - James Thwaites, which Im now hopefully basing my Popular Spirituality in Contemporary Western Culture Coursework on (which constitues 50% of my grade) I am batting a couple of ideas round for my research title/focus, so vote now!..through the comments system that is

  • "21st Century Church and its attempts to connect with previosuly unchurched cultures - Contemporary models of inclusivity in the church"
  • "Is Church being re-invigorated in the 21st Century or are 21st Century Christians attempting to ressusitate a long dead model of Spirituality"
  • "Moving into the 21st Century models of Christian Community - Are there inevitably Problems with past Church baggage inhibiting new ideals?"
My preference is the 2nd to be honest because its broader...but vote now!


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