Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Life is unable to be eloquently expressed very often so Music does it for me
Sam Rich: Soul Survivor Seminars Available to Download
Monday, November 29, 2004
iTunes Store
Thursday, November 25, 2004
H&M, you unfaithful dog you
Exetentionalism in Starbucks!
Psalm 51
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Too Busy to post!?
My Actual Sister Site
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
I would like the read the following....
Lindsay Espie is 22...
Lindsay Espie is 22!! Happy Birthday...Heres a photo from Saturday where we all went over from right to left - Lindsay Espie, Mark, Kerry, Craig, Hannah, Emelie and Fyvie. We had an awesome cous cous meal sooo good! Then chocolate Fondu man thats good....although sickening! Also Mark and I went next door to borrow a bottle opener and ran away from the scaredness of being eaten by dogs. It was good to spend more time with Mark as well.
Not quite the end...
Friday, November 19, 2004
The Return of the Snow...The Adventure continues
Well I thought yesterday was snow but Oh no I was wrong this is snow!!! By the way a little note is thatIm not pulling some dodgy pose there I have a snowball in my hand, no really, ok your just gonna have to believe me! Check it out real big time snow, pretty awesome, I had snow ball fights with Frazer brown for those of you who know him and then we went touristy sightseeing around our very own Uni!!! Snow Rocks but Im very cold! Check out the album of photos here because I couldnt pick just a few I put all of them up, and I took some not too bad ones even if I do say so myself with my 0.1 megapixel bad boy. By the way also theres two pages so click on the 1,2 on the bottom right of the page Oh also you can see a thumbnail slideshow here if you want too! The number of options must be overwhelming. Oh by the way if you've never used my Fiwishop photo gallery then basically click on the photos to get into the file then click again if you want a full size one to save on it, and also there are loads of different gallerys so click on the link to the right to check out some photos for the last 2 years of my life!....PS Just as a final plug I liked this photo.
St Combs Community Church

Thursday, November 18, 2004

God is calling us
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Bringing your day into perspective
Some Awesome Quotes, I hope they or even one affects you for the good today: "It is nothing extraordinary to be holy. Holiness is not the luxury of the few. Holiness is a simple duty for you and for me. We have been created for that." Mother Teresa "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -pg 200; Wild at Heart - John Eldredge "But whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him." God; 1 Cor. 6:17
Excessive Blogging???
Interesting Stuff #3
Interesting stuff #2
Braces....the sign of a good undergraduate?
By Grace
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Working, Dancing and living
Monday, November 15, 2004
What will they think of next

Living for JESUS
Click on the picture for a clearer view
I know Ive posted this picture before, but its my background right now because its such an awesome photo, I was really tired last night but got to bed at a resectable hour and slept for 10 hours! But anyway before I went to bed I was feeling a little flustered that my essay was in for today (yesterday it was tommorow) and I hadnt actually typed it yet, anyway I just thought time to spend some time with the almighty, I was sitting at my computer praying and God just gave me freedom to be a wierdo, I went in my mind and stood on top of that peak and looked around I was free, and I was just worshipping God for the beauty and wildness of who he is, that hes calling us to adventure and to run after him and to stand for his name and everything it stands for. I also thought just coz im in a little student room in aberdeen doesn't mean im any further from God than I would be on top of that mountain so its time to have a good time of communion with God, that sounds like a really Christian word but I cant think of anything betterto describe when we meet with God, (side track: I know I hate the whole Christian vocabulary thing as well, but sometime just like the King James Version words can have deeper and truer meanings that any word that might be a bit more culturally relevant). We can so loose out in our walk with God when we concentrate too much on other things within Christianity like the whole Calvanism debate, church models, gifts of the spirit, these are all good things to think about but God wants us to be refined by him to know him and to walk with him, I wonder if we sacrifice our relationship with him sometimes when we run off getting too involved with Christianity? I think its time to be Jesus centred, people have been harking on about the end times for decades, centuries and the bible tells us we are never going to know when it is, so lets live life not "like" it counts because it does count. There is a great little saying from the guys at 24/7 Prayer, "live like it all depends on you, pray like it all depends on God" hope thats right coz Ive just remembered it but if its not then sorry 24/7 and I think its a good saying anyway. Let live for Jesus not just for new wave/movement ideas or the next "event".
If you tolerate this then your children will be next
Sunday, November 14, 2004
drink Kia Ora Look how happy it makes me!
Lord Groovy - An Evening at the Zoo
Search for me on Google
Back to Basics, Mission in the community
Interesting Stuff #1
For those of you who've known me for a few years will know I was well into my left politics a while back, well Ive come to the point now where its not really about left and right its about justice in a society where no body cares enough about other people to see life from their perspective whether thats economically linked or even linked to the fact that some people are so un-educated that they are un represented due to the fact they've got no idea they need to be represented. God is FOR justice, lets be his ambassadors (by the way that was a rant and has little/no relation to kiwi's post)
Im going to try to Change my Degree!!
Recently I have been strongly thinking about changing my degree WHAT I hear you say, well I wouldnt have applied to do this but since Ive been here the thing on my mind and my heart has been to really get into Gods Word, well Politics is great and I can also study this along side what I want to do which is Divinity, Some people I know do the course and I feel that it will much better equip me for what I feel God is calling me to do, I have discussed it with a few people up here and down in Cornwall, I also talked to my pastor up here in Aberdeen (well st combs really) and he is happy to add a facet of practical application and mentor me through it as well. Please pray that I follow Gods leading in this whole thing. I really feel this is an outworking of my huger to know more of God and to know his word....So Im going into Uni tommorow to discuss it with lecturers so pray that if its right god will open doors. Another Good thing is I can keep the credits Ive earned this semester! "Studying Divinity at Aberdeen involves a concentration on the study of Christian faith, life and doctrine in a historical, cross-cultural and contemporary context. It incorporates study and research in the following five areas: Church History, Hebrew Bible, New Testament, Practical Theology and Systematic Theology. There is also the option to study one or more of the ancient Biblical Languages as a route to understanding Biblical writers, thinkers and commentators in their original form. " The Department has produced notable scholars and theologians, such as John Forbes, George Campbell, William Milligan, William Robertson Smith, David S. Cairns and G.D. Henderson.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Open Mic Nite at St Combs
Thursday, November 11, 2004
The Old Firm #1
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Man, I wish I could write stuff like this #1
Work, Work, Work
Monday, November 08, 2004
Friends Links
Problems with Blogger
I discovered a new part of the library
Invisible Diseases!
For any of you who knew....
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Not so short bulletin

Thursday, November 04, 2004
Waking up freshness and de-headaching
Blogger went down!
Time Zones

Wednesday, November 03, 2004
I hate RSS
The Spread of Communism??

Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Free DVD Rental!
Novembers essays galore!!!!!
Monday, November 01, 2004
Pinch, Punch First of the Month!
Pasties from Cornwall