Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I would like the read the following....

I would love to read the following blogs that dont exist....yet 1) John Gillespie (soon to be Dr) 2) Stuart Fyvie 3) Miriam Hartley 4) George Bush 5) Jake Gillespie 6) Oliver Foot 7) Jesse Foot 8) Jesus Christ 9) Satan (just some strategic info would be handy) 10) Mark Davy 11) Emelie Fyvie 12) The Girls (you should write one together) 13) Forbes Nicholl (Snr) 14) Lisa Simpsons 15) Lucy Bersey 16) Pete Kessells Im glad the following do exist John Gillespie (not close to Dr), Morgana Loze, Bo, Sam Rich, Andrew Jones, well thats it, there the ones im checkin right now or indirectly checkin through RSS, if you ever happen to decide to start a blog leave a comment or mail me!


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