Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Musical Memories

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Small points when Understanding Alternative Christian Traditions
Being Genuine
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Blue Eyed Jesus

He Sure got that one wrong
The Shape of things to come
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Monday, April 25, 2005
Christian Traditions and my Inner European

- Also here are the promised photos of my trip to Pennan
Spring Cleaning
Friday, April 22, 2005
Wheres the Blog gone, If I wanted Google I would have gone there!
Exciting Stuff in Holland with Sam Rich
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Clinging to the Cross

Today I am spent....with everything happening with the Germans which kind of took its toll more than I thought it had, my endless struggle with this project and then finally getting my paper on the trinity handed back today as a fail, it seems so small but to be transparent it kills me, failure is hard, because I put my hands up and admit I rely on the things of the world to tell me who I am too much, and dont look at the creator, the one whose image I bear.... .....and this picture is summing it up right now, when it all falls away, all the Uni work all my inadequacies, short falls, and my issues, when all my hopes and dreams are on the floor, when my mind is dragged into a reality it dosen't want to acknowledge, this picture sums my mind up... in a grass cut field everything strippped away in awe of his beauty, mystified by his prescence but clinging on to the cross, knowing that is the only unchanging thing. Its difficult to be this transparent...
Busted Tees : What Wouldn't Jesus Do?
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Please Pray for..
Pope Elected
Well I dont know what you think about the office of Pope, I mentioned it briefly earlier this week, but whatever you think Id be praying for this guy because hes now the leader of the largest proportion of Christians on Planet earth and the most prominent figure too.
This is what he said:
"Dear brothers and sisters, after the great Pope John Paul II, the cardinals have elected me — a simple, humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord," he said after being introduced by Chilean Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina Estivez. "The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me, and above all I entrust myself to your prayers," the new pope said. "I entrust myself to your prayers." The crowd responded to the 265th pope by chanting "Benedict! Benedict!"
UPDATE: Check this out the Fan Club...No Kidding!"Monday, April 18, 2005
Old Friends and Big time Blessings

Pope Decision Making Time
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Usual Business and Gods Plan

Friday, April 15, 2005
Bushs iPod
George W Bush owns an iPod!
Small Print: I didnt see any Creative Commons signs on Issac's site so I borrowed these pics in the hope that as there not for any commercial purpose he wont mind me taking them and editing them for my black background, coz I thought there so cool
Just Now Im

Frenzy Event

- Third Day
- Delirious
- Dave Crowder Band
- Jonny Parks
- Paul Oakley
- Cathy Burton Check out the Promo Video Here
Tickets for FRENZY are now available in the following Wesley Owen stores; Aberdeen, Belfast, Carlisle, Coleraine, Dundee, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Glasgow, and Inverness.
Faith Mission are also now selling tickets in their Dunfermline store.
you can buy them online Or over the phone 08708 748 748
Outrageous Giving

Stuff for your notes today
- Ruth is staying Morocco til August
- TallSkinny writes a humble post to Don Carson
- Outrageous Giving
- Cool Duck Story from Jordan Cooper who Ironically I stole this links format from cheers!
- On My Birthday 9t March 1985
- Best Christian Site comilation possibly ever!
- I stuck up a new title and reworked the side bar, took some stuff off to de-clutterise it, comment, let me know what you think
- UPDATE: Check out the Bush Pod...Sign me up!
Just Now Im
Delirious - World Service
Thursday, April 14, 2005
On My Birthday

New Discoveries!
Please excuse a few rants
- Well I finally cracked on with a bit of work, but to be honest I havent done as much as Id like, mmmm I bet your tired of hearing that on here. But I was mainly distracted by the fact I left the Interviews somewhat the back bone of my paper 50 miles away and pretty much unattainable. Which means I have to write the rest around it, until I get there and have to write it on an old unstable laptop.
- Ive been thinking today about investments, this always happens when Im skint and waiting for my student loan...I would love to upgrade to typepad but as my technorati rating (small as it is) and so much other stuff is linked to the blogspot despite my constant attempts to route people through
- Oh yep while on that I think because its fairly cheap and would be cool that Ill rent later this year when I need to renew
- Flickr is another great tool which I am very impressed with just because of its user friendliness...check it out, I would definatly like to upgrade to a premium flickr account!
- I also need to get a contract phone pretty bad as I just keep spending stupid amounts like off peak yesterday spending £6 on a 16 minuite call to John on the same network!...Crazy money wanting things!
- Also need to logisticize getting back to cornwall for 3 weeks for my mums wedding and general south west social treatment so I dont start growing ginger hair and wearing kilts coz Ive spent too long in scotland, hehe only joking. But its turning out to be a real pain in the derriere to find flights where I dont have to commute across London to get home.
- I got a wedding invite from a great friend who Im very excited about getting married but its down in nottingham in august
- Im waiting still for my student loan so I can pay for CLAN Gathering (I put in the Gathering part just for Rick!) and the subsequent flat expense.
- Thinking about travel to and from Uni when I move up to st combs, really praying that God will provide funds for that...and a job otherwise financially I could get done over pretty quick
- My mum getting married now means that her partners savings, and wages getting counted when the government give me my loan, so they will take off a little no doubt but the biggest loss will be my £1000 a year grant.Rants Over
Just Now Im
Kings of Leon
Today Ill be working!
St Combs Beach 12/4/2005, originally uploaded by Byrnesyliam.
- Found the REAL Blog of Dave Paisley sorry for the turns out hes lived in the states for 20 odd years but was originally from sunderland, how bout that!
- And I found this Popalooza league board...pretty funny even with my new found respect for catholics (im not kidding, sometimes liturgy wins over contenporary forms I think)
- My proverb of the day is
Proverbs 12: 19-20
19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment. 20 There is deceit in the hearts of those who plot evil, but joy for those who promote peace.
- Also I was having a good laugh with John on the phone last night about which is full of "Demotivators" eg. "Humiliation - The harder you try, the dumber you look" really funny stuff, check out "individual designs" on the left hand side....enjoi!
- Bob Carlton speaking about some interesting stuff over at his corner on Gen Y with a cool multi faith iPod Graphic
- This is a fun yet completly stupid app, nice scripting to write it though! Make 'em fall
- Awesome photo today on Deceptive Media Photo Blog
Also am enjoying the use of Flickr more and more, very user friendly and in fact a really great tool...check my photos through the cool tags system or have a look at my slideshows (Ok that sounded lame, but I choose not to be self concious about it, any its a worthwhile sign up, feel free to set me up as a contact) Have a good day...Ill be working!
Update: After some spring cleaning on this site yesterday I thought Id stick up a new fresh title
Just Now Im
Radiohead - OK Computer - No Surprise
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Gmail Stuff

Back from Easter
Also Ive just seen that my audioscrobbler profile (stats on all the stuff I listen to has been updated, check it out
Just Now Im
Miriam Hartley