Friday, October 28, 2005
Well you may of noticed my shoddy title at the moment, well for some reason (it seems I broke the T&C) geocities wont host my images or reply to my emails so that I can regain my creative ownership of the images, so heres a replacement (hopefully short term replacement as were getting internet within the week) along with a very suave photo of me in a suit in my profile.
Im also extending my Internet capitalist (student budget reimbnursing) expolits from the last time to new heights...ebayying, Oh how addictive this is, but a lot of fun, see what Im selling
But hopefully Ill get to change that back, as its not a great representation as thats the 1 out of about 5 times in my life Ive worn a suit.
Anyway also I just need two more (UK) people to complete an offer on free ipods, check my post about it here or just go and help me and pick one up for yourself here.
Sorry you had to read this trashy post, scroll down for some less administartive thoughts of mine over the last few days.
Cheap Amazon Bibles & Short thoughts on Pslam 63
Psalm 62:11-12 (New International Version - UK)
11One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong,
12 and that you, O Lord, are loving..."
The NIV often gets knocked as a translation, but it really is the workhorse translation of the bible. Ive been told all over the place that the best a literal translation is the NASB, so now my old NIV-UK is literally falling apart, with duct tape on the covers and curled edges and decided I would pick something up to use in lectures.
So I found these two very cheap gems on amazon and thought they were so cheap Id pick up the hardback and the paperback. I just recieved the hardback seperatly although only paid one shipping charge (Amazon obviously want to get on the right side of me for some reason) and Ive been assured the paperback is on its way. But altogether the hardback cost me £5.02 (incl. shipping) Uber cheap for an NASB as you only seem to be able to find them as crazy huge study bibles in A3 and for £40. So needless to say Im pleased to find such a cheap source of bibles. The new bible is (as Im told as this is actually only my second workhorse bible Ive ever bought) much different in layout to my old NIV, but Im sure Ill get used to it, another thing I didnt realise is that it has a concordance as well. Blow me down!
Anyway onto Psalm 63, as you can see Ive quoted it there in the NIV - UK as a little tribute to my old bible, and the fact that the translations seem fairly different of this verse. But I really like this one.
I love how this is worded because for me, it sums up the way in which God speaks to me so well, and I really empathise with the writers (probably David) expression, I just lack the eloquence.
"Two things you have spoken, one I have heard"
God so often transcends our logic, in fact I dont know that he ever fits into our logic. When his spirit comes it brings freedom through revelation, revelation of who God is, and very often for me, when I cry out to him, or even when I worship him from a seemingly firmer place, his prescence speaks to me that he is strong and that he is loving.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
The Peace...
I wrote this about a week ago but never posted it:
This is a kind of follow on post, somewhat of a part II, or maybe even a response, but its for someone elses post!..I have only a few blogs I regularly read but today as I probably should have been cross checking my library catalogue (as I am about to do) I read Arlens 2AM musings and "went there" for a minute, so before you read anymore of this go ahead and take a quick look.
I loved this post because it seemed to come out of the quietness of the soul, that when every barrier and pretense is down, the place of honesty, vunerability and openness is expressed. And for a moment in this busy University library I was there in that canoe, and then I was in the sunrise in a field in Cornwall, and as I read Arlens Prayer:
May you, in the midst of today's noise--both inner and outer--may you find a place, a space, if even a brief moment of...
I forgot, I for just a second remembered, as I so often have before, remembered, I took a quiet deep breath in, closed my eyes from the glare of the computer screen and had a second, of peace, of knowing god's love and lordship, the peace that passes all understanding as I sit here daunted by workload and responsibility, drowning in my tiredness, I just remember what he did, and who that makes me, and how thats changed me, and how that keeps changing me.
Well if nothing else this post is adding a new facet of contrast to this blog which seems to contain every serious, humorous, spiritual, intellectual, and entrepreneurial expression of me!
Again from Arlens Blog:"Remember that you have only one soul; that you have only one death to die; that you have only one life, which is short and has to be lived by you alone; and there is only one glory, which is eternal. If you do this, there will be many things about which you care nothing."--St. Teresa of Avila, said shortly before her death in 1582, to the sisters of the order she founded.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Celebrating Rosa Parks

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Selling out?
Ive been toying with this idea for a while, but never felt the need to get on and do it...but today I took the plunge.
Internet Advertising, I hate the stuff most of the time, especially those pop ups, and heres a commitment in black and white (well white on black is more the style of this blog) that there will never be annoying pop up ads but a few companys that make some cool stuff (not condoning some of the more questionable Busted Tees) like Defunker and Busted Tees offering me $4 for every T bought through a link and then Google Pay-per-click (not yet set up) seemed like a good idea.
But anyway its time to give the decision over to the Ive created my own world of web based democracy..Have your say, should I help keep my student account afloat with the odd couple of pounds from net ads or should I forget it and spend thrifty!!
Dan Hughes through TSK on Pakistan

Early Bird and great blogging
Well this is just a blogging testimony to either my insanity or my commitment to my degree (Im inclined to think insanity) But I left my house in St Combs at 3:50am this morning to take some friends to Dyce Airport in Aberdeen, to go on a boot camp at metro ministries in New York, I was really excited for them, to read more about the boot camp go here.
Straight after sropping them off Ive come into Uni...Ive got crazy amounts of coursework to do just now, so thats keeping me pretty busy, but not too busy I cant blog it seems.
Anyway I was checking out the blogosphere for a minuite and read my friend Arlen's last 3 posts, which are amazing for me to read this morning...I love the quote from Teresa of Avila and the 4 pieces of Advice to Christians from Ghandi. Wayda Blog Arlen..
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Readings in Ecclesiology

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Ray: A Worthwhile Loser

Friday, October 07, 2005
I know, I know
I know, New title seriously required but you see the problem is photoshop and the internet are never on the same PC at the moment, maybe I just need to blow my overdraft and pick up a G5 Powerbook but then I dont think that would be so wise. So Yep I know its not Summer 05 but hey Im doing the best I can here!..
..Life is busy and draining me right now, but Im not gonna die or anything so nobody start making any gravestones quite yet!
Also Im being bored to death reading a 20 page article and underlining stuff on Orientalism, which isn't my choice subject, although it can be quite interesting. No inspiring musings today apart from something that Im living through right now that is summed up well in the book i spoke about in the post yesterday, and so i'll leave you with this thought:
Willard Waller, an American Sociologist, spent his life studying people in order to gain an understanding of the complex interplay that goes on in human relationship.
Though he wrote many research papers, his life's work can be summed up in two simple statements:
1. In any relationship one persons loves more than another.
2. The Person who loves the least in any relationship has the most power and conversly the person who loves most has least power.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Church . co . uk and Steve Chalke