Well Ive finally come to the end of my 2nd year. Today I had the last of my exams and am officially free until september. I am glad for two main reasons just now: The first, I am free for at least a few days to gain back some rhythm in my life after the pulls and weights of revision and pre-exam stress. Secondly, things that have been on my mind for the summer, I can now concentrate on.
Life Update: as far as those of you who are interested in my whereabouts in the next few months, I will be still based in North East Scotland due to working with the church, and rent etc, so I am commited to get a job...boohoo Oh well, hopefully it will be something good I can put on my CV, pray for that if you would.
Secondly I hope I can get some good reading in this summer, I always make this a priority but then the end of the summer comes around and Ive read all but half on 2 books!
Also some focus and vision for the next couple of years in relation to a)the future and also b)My current position and ministry. I am happy where I am and trust God for the step after Uni (in 2 years) but I think as this is the half way mark for my degree its a good time to take stock and get some vision for the future here, and elsewhere.
Thats all for now I may update this post later.
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