Monday, October 18, 2004

My day!

Today has been good, with an early politics lecture which was interesting then went home for lunch amd went to starbucks with Emelie Stu, jane and Lindsay the to the shops! But I did not buy anything as any of you who know my student financial situation will be glad to know! Jane drove me home James Bond style to iron (YEAH WE GOT AN IRONING BOARD FINALLY!) my work clothes then jet back to town and I rewarded the guys with free samples etc!!! Work (lush) is gearing up for Christmas big time and so we've partys where I just pass wine around. It was good to see the guys as Ive not been up to St combs for 2 weeks and then this week im travelling to orkney which Im very excited about (my bank accounts not!) and get to see some of my favourite people coming up from Cornwall but first I have to work work work at Uni.


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