This morning Ive been talking about goals, aims in life, hope and contentment. Unfortunatly
here is a story about the lack or mis-guidedness in peoples lives. Suicide in australian farmers has risen rapidly in response to an ongoing 6 year drought which leaves farms without a sustainable future.
The land was always going to be hard to work, see Genesis 3, and these stories, these lives in Australia are an awakening reminder that we are in a world that needs hope. It all boils down to where we place our trust and hope. If we place our hope in a broken world, it will continue to break and let us, as will people. That is often a very hard lesson to learn, and one continually to learn, as we meet great Godly men and women the reaction of mine is often to put them up on pedlestool, which then is literally setting them up for a fall.
Thinking about worldy goals I feel immensly blessed to be able to look to a goal thats bigger than myself and bigger than the life I lead, it is a product of salvation, a freeing of earthly bondage.
As I discuss my faith today at work, it is clear that even the most gracefilled and loving words as a presentation of the gospel "...is foolishness to those who dont believe" and as I attempt to be a loving, graceful, forgiving witness with my life, words and actions at work I am freed by the fact that the holy spirit is the one who draws people to himself.
Lord help me to know where my work ends and yours continues, to be a light but not to drag people in your direction. Amen
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