Sunday, October 10, 2004

The First Genuine Post!

Hey all, well this is officially my first actual post on this "blog" which supposedly is revolutionising the internet (not this actual blog but blogs in general) although Ive never heard of them but the basic concept is that its a kind of diary/journal/whateva and is a darn lot easier than sending emails to all you great people! And also showing some photos, I would do this in the Grace Community MSN thing but theres that silly file allowance which means Ive filled it with photos, also I dont feel the freedom to be so self indulgent which this web log (Blog)!!! Also if this works out theres no excuses peeps or "You never told me that" or "You never tell me anythings" So Enjoy.....err or just consume. EXPLANATION OF THE PHOTO Oh there was a bit of a party here tonight, I was oblivious until a guy was running around calling him self Tennents man and I was walked into the lounge to see the comotion (below) and then the host (flatmate: Kyle) decided to be ill and was throwing up nasty so that was a call to NHS Direct (hes Ok by the way)

PS Do you have broadband, if not tell me how this page loads, so I know if the pictures are slowing it down at all, leav me a comment and be interactive woohoo for communication, ok heres how (by the way feel free to do this for any posts not just when prompted) click on "0 comments the scroll to the bottom of the page and "leave comment" or something to that effect. Thanks!

PSS Byrnesy's Blabbering! Which fool thought of that rubbish name, ok it was me but its late so if you can think of a better name then do the comment thing the prize for the best is a Mars Bar (or prize of equivlent value - thats right people 32p is yours with the best name!!) this will be given (if a resident of cornwall) to the peeps that come up @ the end of October, so get thinking, you don't want to let that kind of prize get away....!

PSSS If you are wondering where the original is well it still exist with those photos etc, so if your hungry for the retro then check out the links on the right hand side and click on "the retro liam byrnes . co . uk"

PSSSS I know this is turning into the longest post on the planet but hey give me a break its the first day, and its a message of hope (co-ordinated "ahhhs") This is for anyone who ever said "I never win anything!" Coz I said that and then the discerning chaps @ SS decided to give me the new timmy H album. What Stars!


Blogger Number Mouth said...

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10/10/2004 04:01:00 am  

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